Think Twice Brasil (TTB) is a social impact organization founded in 2013, with the mission of promoting Education for Peace and Human Rights to interrupt cycles of violence and inequality.
To date, more than 12 thousand people and dozens of organizations have experienced the programs created by the TTB.

Promote individual and collective reconciliation that achieves prosperity and socio-environmental justice.

Support people and organizations to interrupt cycles of violence and inequality through education for peace and human rights.

To train 10 million people in a culture of peace and human rights, enabling them to break the cycles of violence in their lives and communities and build a more inclusive, safe, compassionate and affectionate society.
Courage to innovate and lead through affection and non-violence
Compassion to recognize the limits and powers of our common humanity
Coherence to seek constant alignment between discourse and practice


2013 a 2015
TTB was founded
Empathy Experience - A research journey on human rights through 40 countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia
2016 a 2017
1st cohort of the course Reframing Your Role in the World
Sulwe Project - training in culture of peace and human rights for girls in compliance with a socio-educational measure at Fundação Casa de Sao Paulo
Launch of the digital book "Empathy Experience throughout the world”
2018 a 2019
Consolidation of TTB pedagogy
Partnership with Somos Todas Marias to train women entrepreneurs in the beauty sector on how to face gender-based violence.
TTB joins important networks, such as the UN Global Compact, Economy of Francesco, and Dalai Lama Fellows.
2020 a 2021
Launch of EDUCA, TTB's online education platform.
TTB was a finalist for the E&Y Entrepreneur of the Year Award in the Socio-Environmental Impact category
2022 a 2023
Escola de Mudadores - we created the first 100% digital and free platform to expand the dialogue on peace and human rights between young people and educators.
TTB is accepted as the first Brazilian organization in the WASL - Women's Alliance for Security Leadership network that recognizes actions for building peace.
Ten years of TTB

Gabriele Costa B. Garcia
founder and executive director
Gabriele is a dreamer, Francisco's mother, lawyer and founder of TTB. She has an MSc in Human Rights from the London School of Economics and Political Science - LSE, and she is a Chevening Alumni, Dalai Lama Fellow, Ashoka Spiritual Changemaker and member of the Leaders Network of the Fundação Lemann, Economia de Francisco and the Women's Alliance for Security Leadership.
She has a Bachelor's degree in Law from PUC-SP, a postgraduate degree in Corporate Law from FGV and in Social Innovation Management from the Amani Institute. She specializes in social business from Artemísia and in Social Innovation from the University for Peace (UPeace). She worked for ten years at Pinheiro Neto Advogados. From 2014 to 2015, she led a research journey on social and gender inequality in 40 countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, called Empathy Experience. The report on this project was consolidated in the book "Experiência de Empatia pelo Mundo", available for free download.
She was a finalist for the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award - 2020, in the socio-environmental impact category and Coordinator of the Human Rights Commission at the Sao Paulo Bar Association - 2019/21.
She is a member of the Supervisory Board of the Stichting Environmental and Fundamental Rights Foundation, which seeks justice for victims of environmental and human rights violations caused by companies, an advisor to Serenas, an organization that guarantees the rights of girls and women in Brazil, and to RONA Foundation, who works for women's rights in Kenya.
Felipe Brescancini
founder and director
Felipe is Francisco's father, social entrepreneur, board member, professor and researcher. He has been engaged in positive social impact at various organizations since 2012. He is the founder of Think Twice Brasil and chairman of the board of Plan International Brasil, a global NGO leading the movement for girls' rights.
He is currently a PhD researcher at Leeds University Business School, in the United Kingdom. He has a master's degree in Economic Psychology from the London School of Economics (LSE), a postgraduate degree in Communication from ESPM, a Bachelor's degree in Administration from PUC-SP, an international certificate in New Economies from Schumacher School in Brazil and two certificates in Social Impact.
He was Director of Business Development at Sistema B Brasil (associated with B Lab) until 2022, a global movement to build a regenerative, inclusive and equitable economy. Until 2014, he worked for ten years in Marketing at Procter & Gamble, leading local and regional multifunctional teams in Latin America.
Passionate about cultures, Felipe has been to more than 100 countries, 40 of them in field research on inequality and social impact. This project was published in the book “Experiência de Empatia pelo Mundo” – available for download. He speaks Portuguese, English, Spanish and French.

Fabiana Sobral
project coordinator
Daughter of Maria Rosa and José Augusto Sobral, she is from São Paulo, has a postgraduate degree in Business Management and a degree in Tourism from Anhembi Morumbi University, a Secretarial and Barista technician. She has worked as an executive secretary for over 15 years and is the founder of askFabiana, a remote executive secretarial company. Before that, she ventured into working on international cruise ships, from where she inherited her admiration for different cultures and religions. She is fluent in English and Spanish and native in Portuguese.
Fernanda Quintas
Development Director
Fernanda is Maithe's mother, and lawyer, and has a specialization in Tax Law from IBET and in Social Policies from PUC/SP. She took extension courses in Fundraising and Practices at NYU and Women's Human Rights at Stanford University.
Since 2008, she has worked in Brazil and the USA in the areas of strategic philanthropy, socio-environmental impact, private social investment and institutional relations. She worked in important organizations such as Icla da Silva Foundation, Brazil Child Health, Comunitas, Instituto Votorantim, Reservas Votorantim and Liga Solidária. She lived for 3 years in New York City and since 2019 has lived in St. Louis, in the state of Missouri (USA), with his family.

Marina Nogueira Martins e Silva
Mother of Felipe and Roberto. With a degree in business administration, Marina pursued her career as a partner in the Mergers and Acquisitions area at international consultancies for 18 years, when she decided to direct her career towards the impact area. Marina was the first CEO of the Grupo Mulheres do Brasil, working together with Luiza Helena Trajano. After two years, she moved with his family to Hong Kong, where they lived for 6 years. During this period, Marina worked at the NGO Kids4Kids, focused on social entrepreneurship education for young people. Since 2023, she has lived with his family in the United States.
Marina is the co-founder of the impact business Somos Todas Marias, a mentor for Ashoka and the 3ZERO Club and a fellow of the Social Innovation Circle. Passionate about yoga, books, and people who inspire! She is passionate about impactful businesses at scale and their transformative power to end inequalities. She believes in the role of education in attacking the root cause of forming human beings who are aware of their role in the world.
Alexandra Segantim
She is the CEO of Grupo Mulheres do Brasil, advisor to “Conselhão” - Council for Social and Sustainable Economic Development of the Brazilian Republic and a tax lawyer.

Jeferson Almeida
Environmental lawyer, agricultural technician and researcher from Belém do Pará, Brazil. He has worked for ten years on issues related to land policies and socio-environmental law in the Brazilian Amazon. He is currently a specialist in environmental and land regularization at The Nature Conservancy Brasil (TNC).
Maria Cecilia Lins
Founder and director of the Instituto Pró-Saber SP in the Paraisópolis community since 2003. Graduated in teaching, graduated in Psychology and PhD in Education from PUC SP, Maria also has a specialization at Stanford in Executive Training for leaders of Civil Society Organizations and at Insper at the Center for Science for Children in partnership with Harvard. She is an advisor to the Protea Institutes, Think Twice Brasil, Voa/Ambev and IABCD. She has been a member of the Grupo Mulheres do Brasil since 2014. Her dream is to contribute to the end of inequality by guaranteeing and defending children's right to read and play.

Marianne Costa
Mother of Maria Luiza. Tourismologist. Master's student in Humanities, Rights and Other Legitimacies (USP). Postgraduate in Project Management and Social Innovation. Social entrepreneur and passionate about Brazil, she has worked for 16 years as a consultant, facilitator and speaker in all regions of Brazil. She founded and directs the Vivejar Group, an ecosystem of responsible tourism solutions, through Vivejar Experiences, an operator focused on transformative and responsible tourist experiences and the Vivejar Institute, a non-profit organization that promotes Responsible Tourism in Brazil. Co-founder of Coletivo Muda pelo Turismo Responsável and Raízes Desenvolvimento Sustentável.

Leandro Bueno
Enri and Marc's father, Economist, has a Postgraduate Degree in Business Management and Mergers and Acquisitions from Insper. He has worked in the Financial Sector for 28 years, always in large national and multinational banks. Experience in the Financial Market, business origination and strategy for innovative solutions, economic and financial analysis of companies, Balance Sheets, Dres and Cash Flow operating in the Corporate, Large Corporate and Middle segments. He was a Volunteer in the “ROOTS PROJECT” of the Bank Boston Foundation, developing the “Educating with Biodiversity” project in 2005. Active member of the Regional Citizen Participation Committee, of the Bank Boston Foundation, 2003-2005.