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In 2000, the UN Security Council published Resolution 1325/2020, better known as the Women, Peace and Security Agenda - WPS, in response to the fact that women and children face the most severe and disproportionate impacts from wars and armed conflicts.


The WPS agenda also recognizes that women play a fundamental role in preventing conflicts and building peace and, therefore, seeks to ensure the effective participation of women in strategic decision-making, especially about peace and security processes.

The Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda confirms the urgency in promoting gender equality, greater justice and security, ensuring the active participation of women in conflict prevention and peacebuilding.

In 2000, the UN Security Council published Resolution 1325/2020, better known as the Women, Peace and Security Agenda - WPS, in response to the fact that women and children face the most severe and disproportionate impacts from wars and armed conflicts.


The WPS agenda also recognizes that women play a fundamental role in preventing conflicts and building peace and, therefore, seeks to ensure the effective participation of women in strategic decision-making, especially about peace and security processes.

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Pesquisa inicial:

O projeto começa com uma pesquisa para compreender as percepções das mulheres de Belém sobre os desafios e motivações para se aproximarem da política, investigando também o que elas entendem por paz e segurança.

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Formação gratuita e mentoria personalizada:

A formação combina encontros presenciais e online, mentorias individuais e ferramentas práticas.

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Sustentabilidade e impacto duradouro:

As participantes fundarão a Rede PolíticA, Paz e Segurança, um espaço contínuo de apoio e fortalecimento das lideranças.

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The Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda confirms the urgency in promoting gender equality, greater justice and security, ensuring the active participation of women in conflict prevention and peacebuilding.

In 2000, the UN Security Council published Resolution 1325/2020, better known as the Women, Peace and Security Agenda - WPS, in response to the fact that women and children face the most severe and disproportionate impacts from wars and armed conflicts.


The WPS agenda also recognizes that women play a fundamental role in preventing conflicts and building peace and, therefore, seeks to ensure the effective participation of women in strategic decision-making, especially about peace and security processes.

In 2000, the UN Security Council published Resolution 1325/2020, better known as the Women, Peace and Security Agenda - WPS, in response to the fact that women and children face the most severe and disproportionate impacts from wars and armed conflicts.


The WPS agenda also recognizes that women play a fundamental role in preventing conflicts and building peace and, therefore, seeks to ensure the effective participation of women in strategic decision-making, especially about peace and security processes.

The Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda confirms the urgency in promoting gender equality, greater justice and security, ensuring the active participation of women in conflict prevention and peacebuilding.

In 2000, the UN Security Council published Resolution 1325/2020, better known as the Women, Peace and Security Agenda - WPS, in response to the fact that women and children face the most severe and disproportionate impacts from wars and armed conflicts.


The WPS agenda also recognizes that women play a fundamental role in preventing conflicts and building peace and, therefore, seeks to ensure the effective participation of women in strategic decision-making, especially about peace and security processes.

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Turma inaugural e construção de uma rede inovadora

Você fará parte da primeira turma da formação e será protagonista na criação da Rede PolíticA, Paz e Segurança, um espaço de apoio contínuo para fortalecer sua liderança após a formação.

Certificação e conexões poderosas

As participantes receberão um certificado de conclusão e terão acesso a conexões com lideranças, organizações da sociedade civil e autoridades nacionais e internacionais, que poderão potencializar suas ideias e iniciativas.

Ferramentas práticas e habilidades transformadoras

Você vai aprender e construir ferramentas para implementar projetos e desenvolver suas habilidades para o enfrentamento das violências e promoção de mais paz e segurança.

In 2000, the UN Security Council published Resolution 1325/2020, better known as the Women, Peace and Security Agenda - WPS, in response to the fact that women and children face the most severe and disproportionate impacts from wars and armed conflicts.


The WPS agenda also recognizes that women play a fundamental role in preventing conflicts and building peace and, therefore, seeks to ensure the effective participation of women in strategic decision-making, especially about peace and security processes.



Módulo 1 Adubar
Encontros presenciais em Belém

Dia 08.02, sábado, das 9h às 18h

  • Investigando e honrando minha história pessoal

  • Reconhecendo e gerenciando emoções

  • Fortalecendo meu poder interno e minhas habilidades

  • Adubando a terra para diálogos significativos

Dia 09.02, domingo, das 9h às 17h

  • Desigualdades estruturais

  • Fundamentos dos Direitos Humanos

  • Dinâmicas de poder

  • Interseccionalidade

Módulo 2
Encontro online (3h) 

Semana do dia 22.02

  • Incorporando a democracia - Conceitos-chave e reflexões

  • Caminhos para semear a participação política no Brasil 

  • Mulheres, Paz e Segurança

  • Ferramentas de engajamento político (networking, planejamento, comunicação, campanhas, mobilização)

Módulo 3
Encontro online (3h)

Semana do dia 15.03

  • Fundamentos da Não-violência e Construção da Paz

  • Construindo espaços para diálogo

  • Irrigando as relações - Criando coalizões e identificando aliados

  • Lidando com conflitos e confrontos

Módulo 4
Encontros presenciais em Belém

Dia 22.03, sábado, das 9h às 17h

  • Florescendo para o novo -Consolidando as trocas da formação

  • Compartilhamento do Mapa da politicA

  • Construção coletiva da Rede PoliticA, Paz e Segurança

Dia 23.03, domingo, das 9h às 12h

  • Lançamento da Rede PolíticA, Paz e Segurança

  • Celebração e Encerramento​

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In 2000, the UN Security Council published Resolution 1325/2020, better known as the Women, Peace and Security Agenda - WPS, in response to the fact that women and children face the most severe and disproportionate impacts from wars and armed conflicts.


The WPS agenda also recognizes that women play a fundamental role in preventing conflicts and building peace and, therefore, seeks to ensure the effective participation of women in strategic decision-making, especially about peace and security processes.

Inscrições abertas até 05.01.2025

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