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The Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda confirms the urgency in promoting gender equality, greater justice and security, ensuring the active participation of women in conflict prevention and peacebuilding.


In 2000, the UN Security Council published Resolution 1325/2020, better known as the Women, Peace and Security Agenda - WPS, in response to the fact that women and children face the most severe and disproportionate impacts from wars and armed conflicts.

The WPS agenda also recognizes that women play a fundamental role in preventing conflicts and building peace and, therefore, seeks to ensure the effective participation of women in strategic decision-making, especially about peace and security processes.


The degree of violence against women is an indicator of a society more prone to violent conflicts.

Source: Caprioli, et. al.

When women participate in peace negotiations, the agreements reached are more lasting and better implemented.

Source: Krause, Krause, and Branfors

The high participation of women in politics is associated with a lower propensity for armed conflicts.

Source: Hudson, et al.; Caprioli; Fearon

Effective participation by civil society, including women-led organizations, in peace negotiations makes it 64% less likely that a deal will fail.

Source: Nilsson

Browse the publications below and learn more about the WPS agenda in Brazil and also how to apply it in the context of your community.

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- Cheung, J., Gursel, D., Kirchner, M. J., & Scheyer, V. (2021). Practicing feminist foreign policy in the everyday: a toolkit. Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit Deutschland.

Hudson, V. M., Caprioli, M., Ballif-Spanvill, B., McDermott, R., & Emmett, C. F. (2009). The heart of the matter: The security of women and the security of states. International Security, 33(3), 7-45.

- Krause, J., Krause, W., & Bränfors, P. (2018). Women’s participation in peace negotiations and the durability of peace. International int

- Nilsson, D. (2012). Anchoring the peace: Civil society actors in peace accords and durable peace. International Interactions, 38(2), 243-266.

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