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In addition to specialized consultancy, we have developed training programs on topics related to human rights, peace culture, and social engagement, which broaden the perspective and practice of professionals working in various sectors

of society.

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Dia Internacional da Mulher

Sua organização já pensou nas ações que pretende realizar para marcar o Dia Internacional da Mulher?

Desenvolvemos três workshops exclusivos para abordar a temática do gênero de uma perspectiva prática e inovadora.

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  • Empathy as a Transformation Tool
    Empathy as a Transformation Tool
    On demand
    Location to be determined
    The compression and applicability of human rights and peace culture are based on the principle of recognizing the other as a subject of rights. In this training, contents and activities are presented that help to deconstruct predominant narratives and the necessary deepening to initiate and/or intensify the commitment of each individual to the promotion of human rights.
  • The Human Being and the construction of the other
    The Human Being and the construction of the other
    On demand
    Location to be determined
    A curriculum that deepens the thinking about human rights based on what we understand by being human. This observation allows us to access socially constructed narratives capable of dividing us between "us" and "others". Participants are invited to review their unconscious biases and access new perspectives on how to behave and interact to promote a peace culture in all spaces.
  • Women throughout the World: Empowerment and Social Transformation
    Women throughout the World: Empowerment and Social Transformation
    On demand
    Location to be determined
    A program to dialogue about gender equity and human rights, from the perspective of life history and the social, economic, and political context of real women. Participants interact with fundamental and access practical tools to promote equality in their social and professional environments.
  • Sulwe Project
    Sulwe Project
    On demand
    Location to be determined
    he project was developed and implemented in the female youth detention Chiquinha Gonzaga (a unit of Fundação Casa). 25 girls, from 12 to 20 years old, who were facing socio-educational measures, participated in the first group of the project, whose mission was to inspire them to reconcile themselves with their stories and outline new plans for themselves and their communities. The class met weekly to learn the fundamentals of human rights, gender equality, and the exercise of empathy.
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